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An Everyday Miracle

It's the wee hours of the morning, and the sun is just cresting over the horizon. The beautiful shades of pink, purple, and orange are making their appearance as my car is making its way down a country road through the beautiful mountains of Virginia. People everywhere are slowly waking up and making their way through their usual morning routine. Some are groggily getting out of bed and busy getting their kiddos ready for school, other are starting their daily commute to work. Many are probably having their daily cup of coffee and planning out what they will be doing that day.

Meanwhile, they have no idea that a miracle has just occurred mere hours before.

That new life has burst forth into this world, a fresh soul just awaiting never-ending love from their parents.

Just hours before, a mother worked the hardest she has ever worked. She was praying, moving, and listening to her body as it continued to squeeze, stretch, and pull her down with strong waves of pressure. Her baby moving within and speaking to her of what she needs to do to bring this precious baby into her arms.

Water heated to the right temperature, allowing the warmth to surround her tired body and provide some much-needed relief.

A loving husband and father who has been by her side the entire journey since the night before. He has been providing a calm presence, squeezing her hand during each surge, and speaking soft words of encouragement, reminding her that she is made for this very moment.

Beautiful music plays in the background, with one small lamp lit to provide just enough light to see the outlines of the two, soon to be three.

Women serving women in the room; midwife, assistant, doula. The mother's dream team, all of us blessed with the very privilege to witness the next moment in time.

A fresh life emerging.

A pause

A cry

A sigh


An everyday miracle.

As I make the weary drive back home, I can't help but smile. Birth truly is a miracle. How for nine-ten months a woman has created, nurtured, and strengthened a baby within her womb. She then in a matter of hours, whether long or short, is able to then bring forth this baby into her arms. Her body has been able to move, stretch, squeeze, push, and birth a small, perfect little baby.

Because she was beautifully created by God to do so.

I love thinking of how I am so blessed and honored to be a part of these moments, to help so many mothers and fathers begin their new family journey.

To remind mothers they are made for this moment,

To remind fathers their wife is made for this moment.

To invite God in and give Him thanks and praise once a new life is born.

To witness an everyday miracle.



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Photographs by: Bernadette Rohan Artistry, Jen Marie Photography, Meghan Cagley Photography, Blossom Birth Co, and Visitation Birth Doula

© 2021 by Maggie Grevas. Proudly created with

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